
To get options, run

$ docker run momigteam/momig-backend ./graph-genome-browser-backend --help

You can specify parameters like this.

$ docker run momigteam/momig-backend ./graph-genome-browser-backend --intervals=100000


config <string=”config.yaml”>
A path to a configuration file.
http <string=””>
A host and port.
threads <int=1> (UNUSED)
Threads per process.
tmp <string=”./tmp”>
Cache folder for reducing computational time for subgrph retrieving by storing json generated from vg. Caches can be permanent because subgraphs are stable unless you update a variation graph or read alignments. Remove all caches when you update the data.
static <string=”./static”>
Static files for providing csv file or bigWig/bigBed files. All files that serve as static files should be located in the static directory.
build <string=”./build”>
A directory that includes MoMI-G frontend website. MoMI-G backend serves MoMI-G frontend; otherwise, you can directly serve MoMI-G frontend HTML/CSS/JS files via a reverse proxy such as nginx.
rocksdb <string=”./rocksdb”> (OBSOLETE)
This option remains for backward compatibility.
api <string=”/api/v1/”>
A prefix of API endpoint. It is used for redirect to the static file.
interval <int=50000>
A maximum threshold of an interval against the reference genome. When a request from client exceeeds the threshold, MoMI-G server returns an error.