MoMI-G Quick Start

MoMI-G consists of two parts, frontend and backend (MoMI-G_backend). MoMI-G is available from source code. MoMI-G backend can be built from source courde, but we recommend to use docker image for reducing time for building backend server and setting up test environment.


First, you need to install git, node, and npm or yarn. See here for installation instructions.

Then, you can build MoMI-G with

$ git clone
$ cd MoMI-G
$ yarn

And access to http://localhost:3000/. The demo shows CHM1, a human hydatidiform mole cell line dataset from backend server of MoMI-G that MoMI-G developer serves.


If you want to run the backend server on your laptop or workstation, we recommend using docker image of MoMI-G backend server. As an example, we provide CHM1 chr21 and simulated reads dataset. For running a demo, modify package.json and run docker container which includes backend server.

First, you have to install docker. See here for installation instructions.

Then, you have to change the backend URL from the MoMI-G public server to localhost, and run the backend server.

$ sed -e "s/\"target/\"target_/g"  -e "s/\_target/target/g" -i.bak package.json
$ docker run --init -p 8081:8081 momigteam/momig-backend # Run it on another shell. It takes a little long time -- please wait.
$ yarn start

You can start docker container by docker-compose up instead of docker run.

Custom Backend For Latest VG

If you want to use the latest version of vg, you have to change the version of vg used on backend server due to the compatibility of xg binary format. Therefore, we recommend using a custom build of docker binary.

First, you modify the first line of Dockerfile.backend to set vg’s version you used.

FROM as build

# frontend container
FROM momigteam/momig-backend

COPY --from=build /vg/bin/vg /vg/bin/


CMD ["./graph-genome-browser-backend", "--config=static/config.yaml", "--interval=1500000", "--http=", "--api=/api/v2/"]

If you use vg:v1.6.0-213-gc0c19fe5-t126-run, then the first line should be modified as FROM as build.

After that, you build the custom backend and run the built backend server instead of official docker image.

$ docker build -t momig-custom-backend -f Dockerfile.backend .
$ docker run --init -p 8081:8081 momig-custom-backend

How to use your own custom data

  1. Git clone from
  2. mkdir static on the directory MoMI-G clones.
  3. Put your XG data in the static folder like static/data.xg.
  4. Add configure file on static/config.yaml.
  5. Modify Docker.backend file as follows.
FROM as build

# backend container
FROM momigteam/momig-backend

COPY --from=build /vg/bin/vg /vg/bin/
COPY static/data.xg /vg/static/
COPY static/config.yaml /vg/static/


CMD ["./graph-genome-browser-backend", "--config=static/config.yaml", "--interval=1500000", "--http=", "--api=/api/v2/"]
  1. Build backend server and run.
$ docker build -t momig-custom-backend -f Dockerfile.backend .
$ docker run --init -p 8081:8081 momig-custom-backend