MoMI-G toolsΒΆ

The MoMI-G package includes a set of scripts (MoMI-G tools) that converts a VCF file into the variation graph format.


If you want to run MoMI-G with your own dataset, use our custom scripts scripts/ to generate pcf and xg dataset. It requires VG, ruby, bash, and samtools.

Software Dataset Supported SV type
Sniffles for PacBio/Nanopore INV/DEL/DUP/TRA/(INS)
10X LongRanger for 10X INV/DEL/DUP/TRA
SURVIVOR for merging SV calls INV/DEL/DUP/TRA
$ bash test.vcf test_output /bin/vg hg[19|38]

Otherwise, you can specify your own reference file as follows.

$ bash test.vcf test_output /bin/vg /data/hs37d5.fa

You can use singularity instead.

$ singularity -s run docker://momigteam/momig-tools:master test.vcf test_output vg hg38

After that, these files are required to be mounted on static/ folder. Also, you should modify config.yaml and Dockerfile.backend in MoMI-G directory.

  • static/
    • config.yaml: a configuration file
    • *.xg: an index of a variation graph, generated by [vg](
    • *.pcf: a pair of coordinate format file: required to display variants on Feature Table or Circos Plot.
    • *.gam(optional): read alignments on the graph
    • *.gam.index(optional): index of gam

This is an example of config.yaml and Dockerfile. \* is just an example and you need to replace it to the actual file name.

  vg: "vg"
  vg_tmp: "vg"
  vg_volume_prefix: ""
  graphviz: "dot"
  fa22bit: "faToTwoBit"
  bigbed: "bedToBigBed"
  chroms: "static/GRCh.json"
    - name: "hg19"
        - name: 'gene_annotation'
          url: "static/gencode.v27lift37.basic.annotation.gff3"
          chr_prefix: "chr"
    - name: "hg38"
        - name: 'gene_annotation'
          url: "static/gencode.v27.basic.annotation.gff3"
          chr_prefix: "chr"
  - name: "data"
    desc: "2019/12/19"
    chr_prefix: "chr"
    ref_id: "hg38"
      xg: "static/\*.xg" # To be rewritten
      csv: "static/\*.pcf" # To be rewritten
#      gam: "static/b.gam"
#      gamindex: "static/b.gam.index"
    features: []
    static_files: []
# Specify the version you used to build xg index.
FROM as build

# frontend container
FROM momigteam/momig-backend

COPY --from=build /vg/bin/vg /vg/bin/
# Move these files into /vg/static/ folder.
COPY static/\*.xg /vg/static/
COPY static/\*.pcf /vg/static/
COPY static/config.yaml /vg/static/

CMD ["./graph-genome-browser-backend", "--config=static/config.yaml", "--interval=1500000", "--http=", "--api=/api/v2/"]

If you use the later VG (version >= 10), gam.index file is no longer used. Please use sorted.gam.gai instead ( generates gam.gai file).

  • static/
    • config.yaml: a configuration file
    • *.xg: an index of a variation graph, generated by [vg](
    • *.pcf: a pair of coordinate format file: required to display variants on Feature Table or Circos Plot.
    • *.sorted.gam(optional): read alignments on the graph
    • *.sorted.gam.gai(optional): index of gam

Then, run the MoMI-G backend.

$ docker build -t momig-custom-backend -f Dockerfile.backend .
$ docker run --init -p 8081:8081 -v `pwd`/static:/vg/static momig-custom-backend

At last, run the MoMI-G frontend.

$ sed -e "s/\"target/\"target_/g"  -e "s/\_target/target/g" -i.bak package.json
$ yarn
$ yarn start